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From 11/16/2020 to 11/20/2020

Event location : Remote

The FunHoMic 2nd Autumn School will be fully remote and will take place from the 16th to the 20th of November 2020.

FunHoMic's 13 ESRs will have the opportunity to acquire both scientific and soft (transferable) skills through different workshops:

Research workshop: “Omics technologies and the study of the fungal-host-microbiota interplay – from correlation to mechanisms” Lecture by Partners and invited experts Key aspects: (1) DNASeq in population genomics, microevolution and genetic mapping; (2) RNASeq and ChIPSeq for transcriptomes and regulatory networks; (3) Mass spec and NMR for proteomics and metabolomics; (4) The microbiota: 16S & ITS sequencing, metagenomics, the microbiota in health and disease, developing LBPs; (5) From ‘omics to mechanisms, target identification, genome engineering and diagnostics (6) Archiving and dissemination of omics datasets.

“Academic skills” workshop: Statistics and experimental design Lecture by Partners and Discussion Sessions Aim: Instruct our ESRs in the application of appropriate statistical tools to their research Topics: statistical approaches; optimizing experimental design; statistics for high throughput experiments; the design and analysis of clinical trials.

“Academic skills” workshop: Research and Medicine ethics and integrity Lecture by Partners, and invited Experts Aim: Inform our ESRs of ethical issues relating to research Topics: the ethical use of clinical samples; animal research and the 3Rs; research ethics and scientific integrity.

“Transferable skills” workshop: Communication and presentation skills NAOS Communication Aim: Improve our ESRs’ communication and presentation skills 1st session: basic presentation and communication skills. 2nd session: videos of ESR presentations followed by constructive feedback from peers and experts.


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