Vall d Hebron Institut de Recerca
VHIR is a multidisciplinary center that promotes and develops innovative biomedical research. It was created in 1994 to support the research carried out in the University Hospital Vall d’Hebron (HUVH), the leading hospital complex in Catalonia and one of the largest in Spain.
VHIR aims at undertaking high quality and competitive research and teaching at the international level in the field of health and life sciences. Involved in the areas of basic, clinical, epidemiological, economic and healthcare, VHIR is devoted to transfer knowledge allowing a better diagnosis, treatment and the prevention of health problems of our society.
The Institution has 58 independent biomedicine research groups and provides specific cutting-edge solutions for every need during the process of biomedical research. The Microbiome lab is a well-established lab since 2007 with about 10 research staff (post-docs and PhD students) and lead contributions on standardized protocols to process biological samples, with pre-clinical and clinical models expertise and well established bioinformatics tools to handle metagenomics as well as metatranscriptomics data. It is embedded within the Department of gastroenterology of VHIR that provides access to state-of-the art facilities in the omics field.

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Edificio Mediterránea, Hospital Vall d'Hebron,
Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 119-129,
08035 Barcelona,