MIMETAS is a Leiden-based microfluidics company founded in 2013. MIMETAS develops Organ-on-a-Chip technology for testing of new medicines. Its unique microfluidic technology enables testing of new medicines in high throughput on miniaturized organ models. These models have better predictability compared to laboratory animals and conventional cell culture models. The basis under
MIMETAS is comprised of a unique prototyping and production platform, a world-leading position in passive microfluidics and a unique value proposition based on Organ-on-a-Chip technology. Currently, MIMETAS offers 3D culture microfluidic plates, while validating a range of organ models. Ultimately, the MIMETAS platform will be made available for patients to select optimal, individualized therapies.

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J.H. Oortweg 19
The Netherlands
Website: https://mimetas.com/