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Prof. Ilse Jacobsen is the Head of the Microbial Immunology Research Group at Friedrich Schiller University, Jena since 2013. She is a veterinary specialist for microbiology. Her research topics include pathogenesis of fungal infections and interactions between fungi and bacteria, and the impact on the host.


Selected publications:

  • Kapitan M, Niemiec MJ, Steimle A, Frick JS, Jacobsen ID. Fungi as Part of the Microbiota and Interactions with Intestinal Bacteria. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2018 Jul 31. doi: 10.1007/82_2018_117

  • Schulze B, Rambach G, Schwartze VU, Voigt K, Schubert K, Speth C, Jacobsen ID. Ketoacidosis alone does not predispose to mucormycosis by Lichtheimia in a murine pulmonary infection model. Virulence 2017 Nov 17;8(8):1657-1667. doi: 10.1080/21505594.2017.1360460

  • Polke M, Sprenger M, Scherlach K, Albán-Proaño MC, Martin R, Hertweck C, Hube B, Jacobsen ID. A functional link between hyphal maintenance and quorum sensing in Candida albicans. Mol Microbiol 2017 Feb;103(4):595-617. doi: 10.1111/mmi.13526

Supervised Projects:

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